We utilise robust assessment co-produced by the individual and their family so that a bespoke package of support identifies the individual’s cultural and psychological needs. Our in-house Wellbeing and Mental Health Team sets clear expectations and provides consistency to support individuals and their family to develop practical strategies to use in times of anxiety so that crisis does not occur.
Barriers to education and employment are removed, independent skills are developed, and emotional resilience to challenges is in place.
We work to a “Whole Approach” that addresses family and individual needs. The approach allows effective family co-production merged with professional oversight and intervention. A ‘Whole Approach’ does not ascribe to just one intervention or model, as it is in Clinical Psychology the individual’s needs are what determines the best intervention.
We draw on a range of models for assessment and intervention of wellbeing that are appropriate for the individual depending on their strengths and weaknesses.
This includes;
DDP is a therapy but it is also a broader approach for parenting and caring for children. Dyadic Developmental Practice provides a particular framework for helping children who are recovering from trauma through the parenting and support they receive. This trauma can result in attachment disorder and may be trauma from a learning disability, physical disability or maltreatment. The trauma may also result in Post Traumatic Stress symptoms.
DDP helps family members to develop healthy patterns of relating and communicating which helps feelings of safety and connection. Centrally important is supporting parents with what can be, at times, very challenging behaviour. This is achieved by helping parents with day-to-day parenting based on principles of PACE (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy), as well as through therapeutic sessions. Parenting with PACE helps the parent to remain emotionally engaged and available to the child.
Developmental trauma (DT) (or reactive attachment disorder) can manifest in a variety of ways — sensory processing disorder, ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, bi-polar, personality disorders (especially borderline personality disorder), PTSD, cognitive impairment, speech delay, learning disabilities, and more.
The goal of this approach is to structure assessment of a child, the articulation of the primary problems, identification of key strengths and the application of interventions (educational, enrichment and therapeutic) in a way that will help family, educators, therapists and related professionals best meet the needs of the child.
A commonly used framework that is particularly applicable to Learning Disability Services and encompasses causal assessment of behaviour and application of intervention techniques such as behaviour modification and communication methods such as (Picture Exchange Communication System) PECS.
The research shows that ABA is most effective for children with autism when used intensively (30-40 hours per week). These programmes are also known as EIBI (Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention).
De-escalation and Behaviour Management approach. This provides a positive range of options to avoid crisis and use therapy. This is a person-centered approach to support behaviours that challenge.
The approach promotes a gradient model where the majority of the support is proactive, however it is acknowledged that from time to time people may require additional support to keep themselves and others safe. In order to ensure that this is addressed, additional more restrictive techniques are included within the overall approach to ensure that what is being offered has the capacity to cover a wide range of situations and minimise the risk of injury to both the care-giver and the individual.
Employment and education are a normalising and confidence building motivator for individuals and key to ensuring a prosperous future.
Led by our Key Workers and in collaboration with stakeholders, the Key Worker supports the Young Person into employment and education. Prior to placement education and employment may have been sporadic, stressful and demotivating. With intensive input from key workers and the work completed with the Wellbeing and Mental Health Practitioner to reduce anxieties the individual is able to take advantage of their opportunities.
We build relationships with local schools, colleges and bespoke providers of education to ensure there are options appropriate for the individual.
Individuals complete our Independence Plan and Training Handbook with their key workers the Plan has 18 accredited training courses specifically designed for their needs using task centred practice. This is an excellent evidence tool for employment. Accommodation is tailored to support transition to independence by offering innovative options irrespective of the individuals starting point.
The Outbound Department organises activities and holidays that link to the Young Persons cultural needs and planned outcomes providing an opportunity for socialisation, skill development and as an incentive for progressing in education and employment.
Outbound is led by a dedicated Manager working closely with our team of Key Workers and Wellbeing Practitioner, meeting monthly and identifying activities that will keep the individual fit and active.
We have been successful in completing activities with individuals which have led to them developing their network of friends and becoming more motivated to learn to drive or gain employment, enabling them to gain the resources to carry on the activity independently and have a secure and supportive environment for their future needs.